Posts: 212
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Strawberry Fields
04-18-2008, 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Suki
Carros? As in, carts? o.Ô lol But here <un carro y un coche< have total different meanings.
That's what we'd call 'carro':
Yeah carro's also the word we use for trolley xD
Ohh hi there Ariana Estuve a puuuuuuunto de ir a México hace dos años porque mi tía tenia una conferencia allí y pensaba aprovechar para acompañarla, pero al final no pude ir =( Anyway, después de ver las fotos en Show Us Your Style Thread, ahora me muero de ganas de ir a Puerto Rico ^___^' Pero por lo visto, esto también tendrá que esperar...
lol, xDD well here we say carritos for those supermarket cars xD but I've heard a few people say auto when they reffer to a car, but most people here say carro lol
awwwwh!!! Suki cooome here! I'll show you around!!
Suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams