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pumpum (Offline)
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Animal Injustice - 04-19-2008, 06:38 AM

I cant understand why human life is more valuable than animal life

I starting to get pissed off with seeing people on the news torturing their pets and then getting what amounts to a slap on the wrist

where i live a giy has just been found guilty of beating his dog and then killing it by putting it in a washing machine wtf !! he got 3 months probation !!

why is it that if a human kills a human then they will get like 10 years but if that same person stabs a dog or cat to death for fun he wont even go 2 jail !

I sort of understand that human life is obviously more imortant to humans! but still it makes me mad at such light punishments for animal abusers.

if it were me id torture these assholes

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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