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yuujirou (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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04-20-2008, 05:34 AM

school uniforms... x]
as long as they're cute~~ or...(at the freaking least) "FASHIONABLE" this one personally doesn't mind x]

buut...the authority~ the man~ the power~ the bloody freaking arse of a redneck s.o.b in charge of the entire school system~~~


hasn't the slightest clue as to what in the bloody hell might "fashion" be =.=''''
(this one's school enforces a dress code, consisting of khaki pants and a horribly horribly designed black/gold?!?!/grey polo w/ the hideous school logo blatantly (and embarrassingly) embedded in to the upper left portion of the torso)

can anyone believe that this sorry excuse for a bastard actually FORBADE the adorning of any "WHITE COLOURED" outerwear based solely on ONE little incident in which one group of "latino's" dressed in white hoodies, decided to pick a fight w/ another group of "latinos" because they were dressed in white hoodies... and at the same time, this sorry son of a bitch allows the kids to drag (presumably) from and (quite probably) out of their assses, flags of blue and red (representative of cripllz ( x] ) and bludz respectively; an even BIGGER gang of retards, dicks, snots, bastards, and worthless entities that don't even deserve to be deemed human than that of the white clad lot) =.='''
it is absurdly outrageous how this lunatic, incoherent, and stuck-up redneck son of a bitch bastard picks on the most minor, minuscule, and random of things and forces all those sorry excuses of administrators and rent-a-cops to make up the most asinine and pathetic reasons to defend this fat-ass cock of an asian's retarded decisions =.='''''
grrr >.<''''

buut anyway x] this one digresses~~
due to the generally unfashionable nature of the administrators decision's regarding the selection of uniforms x]
this one much more prefers to wear his own clothes w/o the annoyances of being confined to having to wear the same [ugly] thing over and over again x]]

w/ that said x]
good day to all
and..unless we're talking about sailor fuku or it's male counterpart....

screw uniforms to hell =.='''

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.