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04-21-2008, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by musahinokosugi View Post
even if my accent is not great, if they have understood what i said i wish they would help me learn, rather than trying to relegate me to bad-accent status for the rest of my life...
Try to think of it from their view - They probably imagine that you`re caught up in a world of all Japanese, possibly having trouble understanding... Or at the very least, feeling some level of stress because you`re away from home and your native language. They know a little (or more) English, and want to make you feel comfortable by using it.

Of course what actually happens is the opposite, and you end up feeling stressed by the English they use. But they don`t know this, and are probably only trying to be nice.

I have succeeded in cutting off the most persistent "I`ll just randomly come up and speak English to you!" people by doing the 日本語で結構です, and when they continued in English - being very straight and saying 子供の頃から日本にいるので、逆に英語で話しかけられ ると仕事って感じがしてストレスなんですよ・・・
That has never failed. It manages to convey my discomfort with being spoken to in English without offending them. And it`s technically true.
I don`t know what I`d say in your situation, but I`m sure you can come up with something that fits.

But then again, I assume I`m probably in a different situation than you, talking with a different set of people, with a different level of Japanese. I`d try it though, just to see.

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