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(#477 (permalink))
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GreenFairy (Offline)
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Location: in vertigo
04-21-2008, 12:11 PM

I had a lot to read on these pages.
the gay power puff girls pawn as I see it (and I feel like Princess or whatever her name was from the cartoon bugging in like this)

so, I want to claim Mally to keep it all in the gay level.
she will be available for the power puff girls of course because they go very well together

as for the FF
wooooow again.
I actually like it. not that much but it was enjoyable

things have never been so well
I have never failed to feel pain
I`m so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
nothing really bothers me
I just want to love myself
I will move away from here
you won`t be afraid of fear
I always knew to come like this
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