Thread: Alice Nine
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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04-21-2008, 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
what ffs -ish confused-

I hate waiting too x3`.
and I found one new pic with hiroto but I don't know why my computer is freezing when I'm trying to save it -smacks-

edit nao,saga and pon's blog have been translated ^^
damn tora for not blogging -frustrapes-

and and look what I found -faints-

he looks so ... manly <333
whoa... *dies*

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post

Edit: OMG! Read Shou's latest blog! O_O

I've been hospitalized since about 10 days ago, and I was released today☆

It's nothing particularly serious,
but since I had a predisposition for swollen tonsils because of chronic tonsilitis,

I worried that the stress might affect my throat and my singing,
I received advice from my sensei and sempai who are people I respect very much, I felt that, as a vocalist, it might be better to get them removed,

so I resolved to get my tonsils removed (laugh)

Right after the surgery, I was horrified to see the buckets stained with blood (laugh)

I regained the ability to eat little by little,
so more than anything, I'm looking forward to have control over my physical condition during the tour... and I try to think positively (laugh)


for the moment,

My impressions right after I was released were,
Let's just say that... I thought I was going to die☆

The picture is a belgian waffle that Nao-san brought me during the only (laugh) visit I got. It was delicious!
only Nao visited him!? *slaps Pon, Saga and Tora* (Saga and Tora need their own nicknames)
Do you have a link so I can see the waffle pic?

Poor, silly Shou. It's just tonsils.... He just makes me laugh.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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