Originally Posted by Suki
Sure some of them have actual beliefs, but those ain't the ones you see in the street overly dressed with way too much makeup on. In my opinion, these kids just seek a little attention, they enjoy the whole "Oh-look-at-me-I-am-such-a-transgressive-teenager-Feel-my-wrath!- thing. I hardly ever see them having much of an attitude; they are far more concerned about how hardcore they look. I do have beliefs and interests too, but I do not need to show the world what these are, I don't wanna be defined by a piece of cloth but if they do that's just fine by me, just don't ask me to see it as something other than a fashion, a passing one.
wants to be defined by a piece of clothing, but unfortuneatly that's how society is. I dress differently from other people, not for attention, but just because I simply like something else. Sure, some people dye their hair neon pink for attention, but others may just like it, and if they're anything like me, don't give a damn whether people look at them or not. And trust me if I could avoid all the NEGATIVE attention which I get, I would, however I won't supress how I dress for others. Just today I had people shouting at me, saying 'get a fashion sense.' I'd rather avoid attention and just be accepted for being me. Most people I know don't dress differently to be 'Oh-look-at-me-I-am-such-a-transgressive-teenager-Feel-my-wrath!' as you put it. They just like different things to other people. You could describe common fashion as, 'OMG-I-need-to-look-like-everyone-else-or-I'll get-beaten-up' thing. The point in having opinions is to express them, be it through words, or even clothing sometimes.
How do you justify the way you look? Do you pick clothes because you like them? That's an expression of what you like. Do you pick clothes just to look like everyone else? That's an expression of conformity. Do you pick clothes because you want to stand out? That's an expression that your opinion wants to be heard. Whether you like it or not, you are judged by what you wear, and personally, I'd rather make it a reflection of myself.