02-18-2007, 07:17 AM
Well,not techinically,Sigma becomes the third to last boss,you fight the extra guy twice,once when he can copy all your moves and uses the special moves that only bosses can do,and again when he becomes this cool angel like thing in an alternate dimension
P.S. He's easier the second time than the first,mostly.....If you know what you're doing
Army- D.N.A. (The Demon Naruto Army)
Gen.- TheDemonNaruto
P.M.G.- MarkDuff
Ltn.- Tsuzuki
Maj.- Slykaz1
Brig.- Sutiiven
Pri.- Katchan6
JFMerc - Hyakushi
Animal Domesticate - Pjok
Secret Supplier- Dark Chao
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