Thread: Tokyo Dome
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odonata (Offline)
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Tokyo Dome - 04-23-2008, 03:25 PM

This place ROCKS BIG TIME!!!

What a lovely place to stick a fairground but right smack in Tokyo. The Thunder Dolphin roller coaster is an awesome experience and the whole environment is so cool. I just love Tokyo Dome City.
There is a Shonen Jump shop there too for you fans. Not to say I wasn't to be seen buying a few Naruto and Deathnote items.
I managed to find the virtual sports arcade which was a whole new experience for me. 4th floor next to the bowling alley. SWEET!
I first had a look around and was not too sure what I was looking at until I saw a few locals have a go, so....
I located a ticket machine and headed off for my first encounter, Baseball! Now you climb the steps and enter the netted area and insert your ticket. You select a ball speed and then grab your bat and behold the screen at the far end. There is a massive screen with a guy pitching balls at you and as his arm comes over to release a ball flies out from this hole right at you. I selected 100kph for my first attempt and you get 22 balls. This game is really insane, and you really would have to try it to understand how cool it is. I spent my whole ticket on the baseball alone and had to get another one to try some other games.
They had a pitching/catching version and a tennis version, there was golf but it made me angry as the club was a lefty, there was darts and pingpong and the whole thing was a crazy but beautiful experience.

Again. I can only recommend you visit this area just for the overload you will get from the whole thing. AWESOME! 10/10

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