Originally Posted by Nao
Next, even though I've run the numbers time and time again, I'm still worried about my budgeting. Everything should be fine, but if I made any critical mistakes (which I don't think I have, but can't stop myself from thinking about it) then problems could certainly mount. For instance, every travel insurance company I've consulted has told me that it can take two to four weeks to collect on a claim. That's a pretty long period of time, considering this is a one-month outing. I know the odds are against my getting hurt, falling critically ill, losing everything I have, or otherwise, but it still worries me. Some people tell me I shouldn't even bother getting traveler's insurance. What do you think, JF travel vets?
This week is my finals for this semester of college. Come Friday's end, I have nothing but free time to prepare for this trip. I have an entire month to hammer this stuff out, unless some other vastly time consuming activity comes into play that I am not yet aware of. I'll have a lot more time to worry about this stuff then, so I would appreciate any food for thought you all may have to give me.
What are you buying when you buy traveller's insurance? Peace of mind.
But if you are worried buying traveller's insurance is going to throw your budget off, it is having the opposite effect.
Grab a black pen and X-out traveller's insurance from your budget, because you don't need it.
If you are sick or hurt no hospital will reject you. No one is going to leave bleeding and dying in the street because you don't have insurance.
Traveller's insurance is one of the biggest scams in the insurance biz (after additional insurance on rental cars). Cross it off.
Take a deep breath, congradulate your self on finishing finals and look forward to the trip. If you have hotels booked and plane tickets bought, that's 90% of what you need to worry about done. After that it's just picking out what you want to see. That's the fun part.
No offence, but you sound a little like a worry-wart, so be prepared to have your perfectly laid out plans go out the window once your foot hits the floor in Tokyo. It's an adventure, so you need to prepare YOURSELF not YOUR TRIP to be an adventurer.