Thread: Bruce Lee
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
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04-23-2008, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Take note of the muscles located at the base of the thumb and compare it to that of the bases of the first 2 fingers.
That thumb provides a significant amount of support in terms of finger push-ups. Take it away, and you're playing on an entirely new level of balance, strength, and endurance.

Also, keep in mind the change in the center-of-gravity. The longer the fingers, the higher the center-of-gravity -- and the more difficult it is to retain balance.

A man may be able to do Eagle Claw push-ups, but that doesn't necessarily mean he can do 2-Finger push-ups.

I'm not trying to degrade you. I'm simply pointing out the difference.

You're a martial artist. It's not surprising that you'd be less "AMAZED", because you should be more capable of understanding it for what it is.
I know the fingers have less potential in them on their own.
Also, I never said because someone did Eagle Claw pushups, they could do 2-finger ones as well. My point was to say that I can do them right now and will be able to do 2 finger pushups soon as well, without my thumbs So as far as pushups go, 2-finger ones aren't that amazing to me, since I was replying to someone who quoted these pushups as being a reason why Bruce Lee was amazing.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 04-23-2008 at 07:46 PM.
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