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(#53 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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04-23-2008, 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by Nao View Post
I can't recall exact figures right now... but the way I figured things with my money, I can afford to take care of the essentials and still have 40-50 USD left every day for whatever. If I spend less, it will compound, etc. I believe that will be enough.

(This is on figures of 30/day avg for food (extra comes out of the above amount), 15/day avg transportation (+30 each way narita->tokyo tokyo->narita airport), and after lodging/plane/phone/possible insurance costs are subtracted)

Note that this is all averages, so of course it will fluctuate. I've also made note of total daily limits that I shouldn't cross without extra financial planning, so that should be fine as well. I'm pretty good with numbers (programmer), so if I play my cards right I think I'll be fine. Still makes me worry a bit, though. I guess it's just the fear of getting stranded, as I don't have many I can count on in the States to back me up financially if I'm in trouble.
Then I would recommend getting a VISA card for emergencies only. Get it, activate it, and stick it in the bottom of your suitcase with your dirty socks, only to be used in an actual emergency, that way, at least, you won't be stranded.
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