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xnamelessx (Offline)
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Lightbulb 04-23-2008, 10:25 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
If you are talking about tradtional white makeup seen on geisha, this actually came from China and was adopted by Japanese royalty before becoming more common with women. It has NOTHING to do with wanting to look Europeans. That tradition is still common today, in that many women avoid the sun, as paler skin is felt to be attractive. At the same time many are also sun-worshippers, and try to get very tan.

Loli-goths like pale skin better than tanned, as it goes with the whole culture better, but they are no influence on the masses.
i forgot about geisha make-up . thats different. and the loli goth thing if you can acchieve it. i would just look wrong piling white makeup on my skin. .
but i dont think for the loli-goth/classic goth look you have to paste on the make-up. you can just have ur natural skin tone it doesnt matter reli.

Sarah Cheeks/San

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