Originally Posted by MMM
I am not sure why keeping your mouth shut is lying to yourself. There are dozens of threads that I have an opinion on that I purposely keep to myself as my opinion do nothing but hurt feelings for people that feel passionately about something.
If you have read any of Ultraseven's posts (including this one) you would know he likes to make light-hearted posts about Japanese toys and media.
This is a light-hearted post about the nostalgic feelings from certain movies watched on videotape. I feel like you took it as a vehement argument that analog VCR technology is better than HD Blu-Ray technology, (which it isn't) and came down pretty hard on Ultraseven's post.
I chose not to take the wind out of other poster's sails when it is a topic that doesn't interest me, or even if I disgree, and don't feel like I am lying to myself when I do. If you feel like you need to post your opinion on every topic out there, go for it, but I promise you'll get more responses like mine.
That's the last I am going to say on this topic.
To answer the original question, the first VCR releases of the original Star Wars trilogy, (before the updated editions in the late 90s) feel more natural to me on VHS, probably because I saw them so many times that way. (I know it isn't "video-related" but that is the best I could do.)
To be frank, I understand where you're coming from. However I've also noticed you tend to be anal about anyone who does something even a centimeter below the scale of "niceness". It makes it
extremely difficult to take anything you say as advice. So sorry if I've done something to hurt your perfect little world you'd like to keep in order.
Anyway, if you want to be more on topic care explain how VHS is a better video format than DVD/Blu-Ray?
Also, in case it wasn't picked up before I feel no video "should" be watched on VHS for any kind of authentic experience. I've gone back and watched several of my old VHS movies and aside from those few minutes of nostalgia from
wanting to watch it once the movie started playing, (after 2 minutes fast forwarding through all the out-dated trailers and federal warnings about copywrite, mind you) I said to myself "wow, this looks really bad". And it did. It looked so aweful to the point where I remembered everything that happened in the movie and didn't even bother finishing it.
So sorry, no other movies (if any at all) should be watched on VHS.
As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
Miyavi, Kyo, Yuusuke, Maya, Gou, Aki, Aoi, Jun, Yusa, Jui, Key, Heechul, Yesung, Riku, Kei, Jyou, Satoshi, Takeru, Sin, Teddyloid, ♀Yooh♂, Reo, Tomoya, Tatsuro, Hitsugi, Kyoharu, Takanori Nishikawa, Jay Chou, Hirokai, Die, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya.