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JF Ossan
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04-24-2008, 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by yuujirou View Post
blacks and hispanisc >.>''

over 50% of all crimes are committed by them~
they're on the news a lot, as are their photos for all these miscellaneous kidnappings >.>
and people have a general negative impression of them~

as i've grew up >.>''
i've always tried to defend them
"no, they aren't all bad
there has to be some good ones" >.>'''
i still hold that ideal...
but it's a little hard not to suddenly think
OH, he must be latino or black
whenever some thing happens, say a drive-by, or a theft, or whatever >.>''
especially with what i see and hear around the school =.=
when like... a large majority of them, tend to uphold the stereotypes against them x.x'

alot of them are ignorant, self-righteous, have little respect for others (those outside their "circle"), pick fights for the most retarded of reasons, throw up those idiotic "gang signs", make up 90% of the impregnated females in the high school (of which make up roughly 5% the school population), or females with children already. (not even approaching all that asinine slang and their "jokes" that they spew outta their holes) >.>''
again, not saying they're ALL like that...'s hard not to have a negative image of them
when so many of them support that image >.>'''
I am a little sad, Yuujirou. I thought you were more intelligent than to hold such racist opinions. Maybe that is what you see in front of your face, but there is a big world out there and "they" aren't like "that" everywhere. As someone I am sure has experienced discrimination in your life I am sure you wouldn't like to be held to the lowest standard.