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(#98 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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04-25-2008, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post

Well... killing from a distance is a lot easier. I'm not sure if I'd be capable of stabbing someone to death but I know I would shoot a gun if it was to save my life; and anyways, since Americans are believed to be gun-loving fools (no offence, it's not me saying it; it's an extended belief), it comes as a surprise when one kills without firing a shot... it's like, wow they finally get a "rightful" occasion to use it and they pick a knive instead (or whatever it was he stabbed the guy with).
I love it when people say "No offense" and the proceed to say something offensive.

"No offense, but I am going to help promote this negative stereotype."

How can you say "It's not me saying it" when it is exactly YOU saying it?
Take responsibility for your arguments and don't hide behind what "other people say".