Thanks -
04-25-2008, 09:14 PM
I'm so happy I found this forum. It was just a search and find situation when I was at work one day. I was reading through the pages and noticed the posts were so old, then I got sad. But as I got into the more recent pages I see that your still answering people's questions. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time out to do so.
I agree with you that you can't learn Japanese by doing book studying. I'm 21yrs old. I studied Japanese from 10th grade till my 1.5nd year in college. I was horrible at studying so it was even tougher for me to learn over 20 new words and grammer each day. I never liked learning languages in school. They always seem to try to finish the book and never actually help you so you could use it daily and not just memorize it for a test.
I'm looking to save up and go visit Japan for the first time. I don't know when that will be though. I've wanted to visit for the longest time. I'm pretty independent and when I want to go somewhere I'll just hop on/in a plane/car and drive/fly off. So whenever I get the chance..