Originally Posted by MarkDuff
I'm sorry man but Dpression is just fucking stupid man seriusly why waste time over some that is done past......I mean the deffonition of depression is a prolonged feeling of hoplessness, helplessness, and sadness.......I mean their is really no point in being depressed really.........I mean for it's just the same shit different day.........a good motto to life your life by is Shit Happenes.....the best thing to do is count your blessing like MissMisa does cuz their are always people worse off.......Soo don't dewle in the past or on something too long....just look on the bright side of your life ^^
I understand what you are getting at and I respect it. Yes, I know there are people worse off in other place, which is why I want to become a missionary, but at the moment...I am going through some really tough problems and I am just going through depression. Yes...I know it is pointless and stupid but I don't really care.
It's not like I cut myself, I don't really see the point of it...and I never said anything about the past. There is only one thing about the past and I will never forgive that person but I've been a loner my whole life pretty much and I know what true depression is. I've faced it with my own eyes.
I don't get why people say shit happens, yeah it does, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have an emotional or physical impact on someone's life. People face depression their whole life, living it doubt....but me, I live yet I have my moments. Everyone has once in their life. I'm just going through that period of time where I'm forced to grow up. Where a lot of people depend on me and I feel as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders. But I'm alive. Most people who are depressed aren't...there have been many times when I think suicidal but then I think, 'No....I can't just abondon everyone like this. Not after all they have done' I'm geting better at contolling myself, writing has just become a habit and I think it helps me greatly.
Have you everr faced that moment in your life where you just wanted to escape. Just be free of any problems and, [my friend said this lol] and just run down the road and scream? Maybe you haven't. Maybe you are one of the lucky few that get out of life unharmed...but that doesn't mean other people haven't been scarred or faced a harsh realty they wished they didn't have. My friend went to Arizona with our church last year, and there she met a girl name Monic. Monic just looked up to her. Her mom was a drunk and she told my friend that she was gonna get permission from her mom to live with her. And you know what she said 'You do that. Maybe you can come' when she told me this....it hit a spot in my heart that had been untouched.
Just hearing the story told me that I have a purpose, I just don't know what it is. I live life better now but, as I spoke above, I have my down days...I guess....that's all I have to say to that.