Thread: Depression
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04-26-2008, 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
If I get depressed - I think damn, there are children starving in Africa, people dying of aids, people stuck in countries run by corrupt governments - I'm lucky.
Woah, I get more depressed when I think about those things. How can you not when you are so helpless to change the lives of those people?

If I get depressed, I just tell myself that I'm not in the worst situation. It's kinda similar to you, but I don't actually THINK of all those people that are worse off!!

Originally Posted by Odin View Post
From reading the comments thus far, I get the feeling most of you have not experienced true depression. Do not mistake profound sadness for depression, for they are not the same.

In a true bout of depression the mind no longer functions correctly. Trying to be logical by saying think happy thoughts, or saying how lucky you are compared to others will not work. It is a deep darkness and you can see no way out. It also really has little to do with past events. It is a state of hopelessness. While an event may had triggered the state, it is thoughts of the future that keep a person in despair.

Depression can be overcome but it may take a little time, while the mind tries to reorder itself. To do as KikiBunny23 is doing and write can be very therapeutic. Creative activities such as writing, drawing, or playing music, can help one work though the flood of emotions, as well as being a good distraction from the sense of despair.
I think that people know they're not talking about true depression, at least I hope. If you are truely depressed, then there is no advice to give, other than go see a doctor. It's actually a mental illness. What we are talking about, or at least, what I am talking about is what you call profound sadness.

Last edited by noodle : 04-26-2008 at 08:45 AM.
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