Originally Posted by Yuna7780
My dreams will never come true until I start saving up and graduate high school. lol
But I really want to go. I'm trying to study Japanese but find that I do not have the time to do this. Juggling German, soon to be in Spanish, and English class all at once is VERY hard.
Hey, cheer up! I believe your dreams would come true, trust me

! Pssst... tell u smthg, you don't have to learn Japanese to go to Japan. I knows nuts about the language but still managed to pull it off during my 5 days in tokyo. The secret lies in doing research, research and MORE research. Research on the subway lines to take, research on the best places to visit, research on the good eating places and off u go! But still I have to admit... knowing Japanese does get make your traveling around easier (the taxi drivers there noes nothing about english and it can be real frustrating talking to them
