Element of the Leo zodiac sign: Fire
Astrological quality of the Leo zodiac sign: Fixed (i.e. stability)
Planets and the Leo zodiac sign- Ruling Planet: Sun
- Career Planet: Venus
- Love Planet: Uranus
- Money Planet: Mercury
- Planet of Health and Work: Saturn
- Planet of Home and Family Life: Pluto
Colours of the Leo zodiac sign: gold, orange, red
Gems of the Leo zodiac sign: amber, chrysolite, yellow diamond
Metals of the Leo zodiac sign: gold
Best day of the week for Leo zodiac sign: Sunday
Strongest virtues of the Leo zodiac sign: leadership capability, self-confidence, generosity, creativity
Deepest need of the Leo zodiac sign: elation, the need to shine
Weaknesses of the Leo zodiac sign: arrogance, vanity