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MissMisa (Offline)
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04-28-2008, 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by LovelyInfection View Post
I never do anything with my hair and I'm looking to start, so are the temporary hair dye any good? I don't know any brands or anything and I'm just wondering if the washout color hair sprays are any good. And nice tutorial by the way! ^_^
If your hair is already light, coloured hair gel is pretty good but you have to be really careful or it could look greasy and get everywhere. To be honest, I wouldn't recommend the sprays, it's only any good with guys with really short hair [or girls!]. The reason being, when you spray it, it forms a light powder of colour on your hair, and if you touch it it comes out, and it's really really messy and stains everything >.< As for hair dyes that only last for a few weeks, some can be okay for tinting, but they only seem to work if you haven't dyed your hair before, and it's light.

What I would recommened is clip in hair extensions, and you can just clip these into your hair underneath another piece of hair so you can't see the clips, and it looks just like you've had it streaked. Hope that helps and I'm glad you liked my tutorial ^__^
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