Thread: Literacy
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(#127 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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04-28-2008, 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
Ohhh Gosh, you did it again xD! (though I'm assuming this time you were aware of your mistake).

Umm I get reprimanded all the time in English class for stupid stuff like that, they'll be like: "Ain't is not a word in the English language blah blaaaaaaaaah, if you insist on using it you're going out" xDDDDDD! Nah, not really; but some teachers are overly bitchy about it and it just makes me wanna say it moooooooooore.

@AmbeRz: How can you not pronounce T's? O_O I make em Rs, which is just as wrong >.< but hey, I wanna hear what later sounds like without the T there being pronounced!
It's in my video on the previous page. I say it a lot >.< It sounds like La'er. I can't decribe it, but it seems like nothing replaces it >.<
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