Thread: Alcohol
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(#189 (permalink))
Alastor (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 214
Join Date: Jul 2007
04-29-2008, 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
I find it funny when people get defensive when I mention drinking as a problem.
I got into an argument with a girl yesterday cos I said "most people go out to get drunk, when they go clubbing". For some reason she thought that I had made a personal attack on her, despite it being absolutely out of context. Then another guy got involved and started saying how he didn't drink and went out to dance cos he loves the music and dancing. Nevermind the fact that I said "most" people, (which is true because Binge drinking and going out is a widely accepted and associated culture now) these two people don't constitute the popular majority.
To think people go out to have a "good" time without any intake of alcohol is absolutely ignorant. The music at these generic clubs isn't even that great and is only played to get tipsy people happy
That's why you locate one awesome club with awesome music and stick with it

But yeah, I quote for truth. And I agree 99%. Except this whole drinking as a problem. Depending on how you mention it, I must disgress. It's not always a problem.
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