Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y
That is just word play. There is no such logic involved with the act of drinking, seeing as it is a form of "fun".
Basically, you are putting yourself at risk of being drunk when you drink. It is also difficult to know what your limits are once you have a certain amount of alcohol inside you, making it more likely to be drunk.
If you wanna be logical about it, don't drink at all. That way there is less risk of all the problems associated with "drinking".
Afterall, it's known as "drink driving" not "drunk driving". That's because even some alcohol inside you can impair your judgement. You aint gotta be drunk for your driving skills to go awry.
Sure some people are better at knowing their limits and so on, however in my opinion the amount of people who know their limits to people who don't, has decreased. Also, even if you are fine with drinking socially and don't get drunk, what's to say somewhere down your life you won't have an emotional problem which will turn you to drinking and turn you into an alcoholic.
It isn't as far fetched as it sounds.
Seeing as drinking is such a problem now, (and it was inevitable due to the nature of marketing and so on associated with it) there are more cases of "problems" associated with drinking.
Its quite daft to throw situations like gambling, drinking, safe casual sex practices and so on at the public and expect them all to know their limits.
Its like over baking your turkey. Eventually, unless you pull the bird out from in front of the flame, you're going to get a burnt lump of charcoal.
You're still implying that it's a problem to drink, no matter what, and in that case I'll need to bring up candy, chips, hamburgers, pizza, french fries - heck, any kind of unnatural and/or forms of fast food.
Anything is dangerous if you take too much of it. A couple of beers, as my friends and I prefer, is not dangerous. None of us enjoy particularly stronger drinks. I know plenty of people who drink sensibly and lead wonderful lives.