Originally Posted by Alastor
You're still implying that it's a problem to drink, no matter what, and in that case I'll need to bring up candy, chips, hamburgers, pizza, french fries - heck, any kind of unnatural and/or forms of fast food.
Anything is dangerous if you take too much of it. A couple of beers, as my friends and I prefer, is not dangerous. None of us enjoy particularly stronger drinks. I know plenty of people who drink sensibly and lead wonderful lives.
Fast Food is bad too, for your personal health more than anything else. It doesn't intoxicate however and cause you to harm others indirectly.
Like I said, yes you might know your limits and so might your friends but humans have emotions which over-ride such logic.
If a person who eats a burger or two in a week, suddenly has an emotional problem, (which is also quite popular nowadays in any form) they might turn to binge eating and not really think of the harm it is causing them. They won't think logically about what they are doing since it's purely emotional.
The same can be said for alcohol and it has associated problems on different levels to just eating fast foods.
Basically, it's harder to recover from.
If you check why people have become alcoholics, they've either been emotionally unstable at some point in their life and their "part-time" recreational use of alcohol has become something more, or they've just had little idea of their limits to begin with.
So, drinking alcohol might not be bad for you, or lets say even the majority of people, but what about those whose lives it does ruin?
I don't know the exact statistics but alcohol related illnesses and problems are quite high.
I guess it's just a lottery if you become one of those statistics or not