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(#18 (permalink))
swiftiey (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 6
Join Date: Apr 2008
04-30-2008, 06:49 AM

Okay I think I should be more clear in what I want.

I want to go to Japan and write music.
Now, one inquiry would be how active/open the music industry there is.
If I am not an established musician but an aspiring one would I be able to obtain an entertainer visa?

Secondly, I will want to keep myself afloat with other jobs.
I have a few questions regarding this.
Will I be able to do so without a university degree?
What skills besides English(which I already have) would be useful in obtaining jobs?
Would I actually be able to earn enough money to have a roof over my head and eat 3 meals a day?
It would be even better if someone could give a rough estimate of how much it would cost to live there for a month, on minimal expenses.

For what things would I require a university degree?
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