well thats what i was able to understand...so if one would be so kind to translate the rest so it could all make some sense to me i'd be very happy <_<
...Watta haru tanashi yuu atte gekimasu suberisai, demo.....-> watta "spring" tanashi "night is" gekimasu suberisai (maybe unite??), but....
konoshiko kokochi tsubaisaku ureshi danku shinshu-sa ware nagatane ---->
konoshiko kokochi tsubaisaku "happy" danku "new type i" nagatane....
Oh, hateshinai yoko shimiko aruka chisuka juu gatte korii! Shimi... bibiru saaaai --> Oh, hateshinai "side" shimiko "if is" shisuka juu gatte korii! Shimi...bibiru saaaa!....
arigato kimochi ware ware wa sakeshi, gozaimashite! Sa-yo-na...->
feelings of asking (dunno how to put it in english ;__

we" sakeshi "received...bye"