
OMG You all started so young! Am I the only one who actually waited until I was legally old enough before trying alcohol? I was 21 when I tried my first drink. I'm 27 now and I drink so rarely that I'm not sure if you can even call it drinking. In the last year I've had 3 drinks. I drink only when I am with my friends and then only if I really want something. I've NEVER been drunk and I never plan to get drunk. I'm what I call a one drink girl.

If I drink, it's with a meal and I drink water as well. Once my drink is gone, that's it. I don't get another. I'm fond of mixed drinks, especially pina coladas. I'm happy with my one drink. *shrugs* I just never want more than one. I've had sake. I can't say I'm really all that fond of it. I'm not fond of hard liquor and I can't even stand to smell beer, much less try it. Smells like piss to me. *gag* It's been my experience that if it smells bad it's sure not going to taste good. I drink only because I like the taste of the drink I order. It's like a small treat for me, nothing more. I can take it or I can leave it.
I really don't understand people who don't like the taste of the drink but drink it any way just to get drunk. If you don't like the way it tastes, just don't drink it. It's crazy. Why do you want to be so out of it that you have no idea what you're doing? If it's to escape for a while, I hate to tell you but you are going to have the exact same problems once you sober up again. My best friend in the entire world got drunk off her butt the first time we drank. She's a giggling drunk. (sorry, Anel but you are.) She couldn't even get back to our rooms with out help and had one hell of a hangover later. I saw the shape she was in. Do you really want to look like an idiot and embarass yourself? I sure don't.
I've seen what alcoholics do to families. My grandfather was one. Alcohol made him into a big abusive bully. He drank away the family's bill money and thought nothing of waking his 6 and 7 year old children out of a dead sleep to walk down to the bootlegger's house to get liquor in the middle of the night. His kids didn't have clothes or shoes, they didn't have school supplies or food, but he had something to drink. He was so bad that he would even drink hairspray to get alcohol. It killed him. He drank himself to-death. It takes such a huge toll on the family and friends as well. No one wants to watch their family member or friend go down that road.