Thread: Bruce Lee
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noodle (Offline)
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05-02-2008, 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
If you do copious amounts of reps, say 30, of a light weight then it dont do much. The real problem with it is your muscles cheat, and try to use as little effort as possible to do the job, and so your endurance might increase, and you get fitter, but not stronger, not much.
I disagree with that... You don't need big muscles to be strong... When you lift heavy weights, the only difference is that your muscles get bigger whilst getting stronger... Where as lighter weights and more reps makes you stronger without making you bigger. Saying that lots of reps doesn't make you that much stronger is a joke... Take gymnasts for example, a gymnast that does still rings is bloody strong, but you never see him lifting HUGE weights... Plus, for a fighter, being huge is always a disadvantage, no mattar how strong you are... as they say, water might seem weak and tiny in comparison to steel, but water can break through anything in time.
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