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XjapanFOREVER (Offline)
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05-02-2008, 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by jrocker21 View Post
aww..*pats touya and drags yoshiki from his work*
here you go.. even if it's for a moment..*hands yoshiki over*XD

oh, is there any other songs on the I.V. single??
no, because the I.V. Single is just the song I.V. bought off iTunes, I can up the single version (doesn't haven't Jigsaw voice over in beginning) if you want, and it's higher quality.

ALSO, NEW RELEASE, VISUAL SHOCK 1989-1992. (9 discs)
X JAPAN / X VISUAL SHOCK DVD BOX 1989-1992 [Limited Release]
Disc.1 『Blue Blood Tour 爆発寸前GIG』
Disc.2 『刺激! VISUAL SHOCK Vol.2』
Disc.4 『VISUAL SHOCK Vol.3 刺激2~夢の中にだけ生きて~』
Disc.5 『VISUAL SHOCK Vol.3,5 Say Anything ~X BALLAD COLLECTION~』
Disc.6-7『VISUAL SHOCK Vol.4 破滅に向かって 1992.1.7 TOKYO DOME LIVE』
Disc.8 『X CLIPS』
Disc.9 『スペシャル映像特典ディスク』(内容未定:近日発表 予定です。)

*off to pre-order*

Microsoft is making computer's just like air conditioners; they work properly until you open WINDOWS.

Last edited by XjapanFOREVER : 05-02-2008 at 11:33 AM.
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