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Henbaka (Offline)
Dark Passenger
Posts: 472
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Tokyo
05-02-2008, 06:57 PM

Hmm well,

First of all use some common sense. Youre 18 and here (Sweden) that would make you an adult (how bout where you're all from?). As such, for me, I dont see why you cant drink some from time to time. Just don't be an asshole during, please.

Anyways, when I was in Japan (Tokyo) at age 19, I went to bars/clubs/restaurants all over town (alot), and _NOT ONCE_ had any problems because of my age. So in that department, you should be home free.

Again, I'm not telling you what to do. You should be old enough to decide for yourself.

But to the previous poster; for me it's laughable to throw someone out of a university program for drinking. I mean come on. University = alot of partying. That's just life.

But again, check the rules. Would suck to be thrown out because of some pansy-ass rule.

Also, It was my understanding that you are underage for bars - not for drinking. Clarify that someone, please.
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