Thread: Alcohol
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05-03-2008, 08:49 AM

I can tell you what an alcoholic does.....

-> forgets everything at the moment of drunkeness.
-> says he doesn't drink more than one a day when he just had his 5th one.
-> tells his family that he doesn't have money for rent and borrows money to buy more alcohol.
-> when he's sober and you tell him that he was drunk the night before, he argues with you that he wasn't drinking.
-> his breath smells like alcohol mixed with dirty mouth after he's done working.
-> He throws up what he just drank and opens another can and drinks some more.
-> He spends more on alcohol than he does on groceries.
-> swears he's not an alcoholic. and that you're crazy.
-> tries to kill himself while drunk.

I might be forgetting more stuff....but these are the few things we've witnessed....

But I like watching some's fun making fun of them when they're drunk. We just don't let our drunken family drive home like that. We always make them stay and sleep it off...

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