Thread: Alcohol
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(#246 (permalink))
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chaseme (Offline)
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05-03-2008, 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
Yes I can? They are getting drunk and beating their spouse.

Anyway I don't see why people take it so personally. I'm not talking about you as it's already been established that you aren't the people who go around causing problems whilst drinking.
However I am saying that drinking causes problems with a lot of people and you are more likely to have a problem with alcohol as you grow older and face life. Unless you're already one of those kids who likes to get ASBOs or whatever juvenile reprimand there might be.
I think you missed my point, im not taking it personally it just that i find it dumb to blame stuff like alcohol for doing stupid things.
If you love your spouse and unintentionally hurt her when you got drunk the first time. you would probably do it again or blame it to alcohol and when ask to explain why you beat your wife youll say you got drunk. People always have a choice, unless being drunk have some effect that alter ones values.
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