Thread: Gta Iv
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-03-2008, 08:08 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Sorry for the randomness, but MissMisa, what type of game would be aimed at girls? I'm actually curious as to what kinda games girls like?!
Me personally, I prefer fantasy style, or survival horrors. I'm not a fan of FPS - I know it's not extremely important, but most of the characters in those kind of games are all male, and the only female character is something gay like a voice lady, which is just stupid. The industry fails to aim games at teenage girls and there is a huge gap in the market for them! Girls don't want to beat up prostitutes and drive crap cars [this is all stereotypically speaking btw], I would imagine most girls prefer fantasy style games, or games where there is actually recognition that females exist. For example, Bullet Witch is an awesome game in my opinion, for the small time I played it. [It didn't get very good reviews, but meh.] It was a shooter game, but it had a cool female character and you could choose between guns and spells. Something with more variety would be nice to see.
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