Originally Posted by noodle
Propositional and Predicate Logic.
Eww, I hated that module! We had to learn a language called Zed.
Originally Posted by chaseme
Is it really a fact maybe i love to sleep in most of my class but i have never really heard any of my science prof mention that fact.
Really. So if
your Science Professor doesn't mention it, this becomes a lie?
What level is this Science that you do. This is more to do with research so is on a level with a degree. Therefore, if you are not at university studying Science as a degree, (assuming that while there, you are doing a thesis (on / similar to) chemical effects on human behaviour) then why would your professor even vaguely mention this?
Originally Posted by chaseme
although i do agree that alcohol affects ones motor skills. I strongly disagree that alcohol changes ones values
Such disagreement can only be based on ignorance. It is a well known study that alcohol will effect behaviour and hence the values of people will be effected.
I have no article to forward to you since most of my reading i've done through articles in journals. However a quick search in Google brings up this piece of news.
BBC NEWS | Health | Alcohol effect lingers on brain
This is the important piece from that article.
"Scientists examined the effect of alcohol on complex, or executive, brain functions such as abstract reasoning, planning and the ability to monitor our own behaviour in response to external feedback.
They found that performance in these areas was affected even after the concentration of alcohol in the blood had dipped to the point that people were no longer aware of its effect"
If you still disagree, I suggest you delve deeper and do your own research into it.
Originally Posted by chaseme
Based on the iq test i took i got 131-138
they describe my brain function as a fact curator
one of the suggested course they give me is computer engineering
im currently taking up computer engineering
i dont think there is something wrong with my logic
AND I NEVER SAID THAT IVIONKEY said that ALL drunks are violent
quote me get your facts right please
Now instead of saying that there is a mistake on my logic would you try correcting my logic
THis statement is a mere example
well heres a sample from the iq test.
If all Zips are Zoodles, and all Zoodles are Zonkers, then all Zips are definitely Zonkers.
i dont see much difference just keep in my that the above statement is merely an EXAMPLE
You know, I took that Tickle IQ test once as well, back when Tickle was called E-Mode and was free.
I got 161 on it.
However I didn't base what I was going to do in life from that IQ test..