Thread: Alcohol
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chaseme (Offline)
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05-04-2008, 03:42 AM

No they don't teach this in Highschool. They teach the fundamentals of Science there and how to somewhat apply those. Even in the first two years of university, more advanced fundamentals are taught as well as their application.
It is only during the final years that a student will be required to do any research at all, for their final year project and dissertation.
More advanced research is done by post-graduates mostly.
If it does have such effect maybe your right that it should not be teach at highschool. But it should be a worldwide awareness. Alcoholic beverages should have something like "government warning alcohol drinking is dangerous to your mind(dont know if this is the appropriate phrase to warn the public this is just an illustration)". but no all we got is "drink moderately".
Cigarette smoking is dangerous to health that is a fact. Thats why most if not all cigarette commercial have a warning phrase "government warning cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health"

I don't need to prove that values are changed.. It is far too obvious.
Lack of monitoring our behaviour is another way of saying what I said about our Inhibitions being nullified. If Inhibitions are nullified, our values change on how loud we should talk, what is deemed acceptable language, how we behave toward others and so on, all the way to the reasons for domestic violence, street crime and worse.
do you not swear or curse when not drunk?
do you not behave badly towards other when not drunk?
loud voice? like i said i agree on that alcohol does affect our senses. do you notice how loud people talk that have some earphone plugged in their ears.
domestic violence? those who commit it does it even if not drunk. ok lets say they only do it when drunk the fact that they did not care to stop it means they are capable of hurting their spouse.
Street crimes? most violators are caught with some sort of weapons. meaning they are capable of committing that crime.
values dont change.

to sum up my thoughts about it.
People that commit crimes when drunk are capable of doing in the first place.

thats just my opinion if you believe that drinking do change ones values, then lucky you at least if you got bored you could always grab a drink or two and have a different self for an hour or two
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