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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
05-04-2008, 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by xjstxkpxswmmngx View Post
I'm going on a Japanese Intense Study Program for the University of Shizuoka this summer, and I'll be staying there for about a month. The cost is already reaching $3000 not including the plane ticket or spending money, and the payment is due at the end of the month, and I currently have $0 on me. Is there any way I can raise money in time? (scholarships, sponsoring, etc)

Also another question.
I want to spend an extra week in Japan because they let you off on your own after the program is finished. What is the best way for me to find a place in the Tokyo area, and will they let a 16 (nearly 17) year old stay by myself?
You want to raise 3000 bucks in a month? Just when I think I have read it all...

Adult age is 20 in Japan, which I beleive is the age you must be to rent a hotel room...but if you should probably worry about paying for the program and plane tickets. The prices go up on plane tickets fast, so if you are going, you better get the money soon. I always buy my plane tickets at least three months in advance.
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