Originally Posted by HYDfan
kumo - black (do you put an i at the end to make it an adjective like the other colors?)
Yo HYDfan !
Thanks for your contribution helping us !
Just correcting...
The color black in japanese its actually kuro.
Kumo means clouds.
And Kuro Neko means black cat !!
If you dont mind, I am posting a list of colors to complement your post.
色 IRO - Colors (Just for the records: if you say iro iro it means many, a lot of)
青 ao - blue
赤 aka - red
茶色 chairo - brown
橙色 daidaiiro - orange
灰色 haiiro - gray
黄色 kiiro - yellow
黄緑 kimidori - light green
黒 kuro - black
緑 midori - green
水色 mizuiro - light blue
桃色 momoiro - pink
紫 murasaki - purple
白 shiro - white
好きな色は何ですか Sukina iro wa nan desu ka. - What is your favorite color?
Japanese people often says SOME color names using the english pronounciation.
So, orange becomes orenji, black - buraku, white - hoaito, pink - pinku, gray - gurei, so it goes.
I already saw the gray color reffered as nezumi iro or literally mice color too !
well, hope it helps !