Thread: Alcohol
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chaseme (Offline)
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05-04-2008, 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y View Post
I agree with that. Like cigarettes however, taxes are dependant on alcohol and like everything else, its because of money that such things thrive.

lol the point is that even if someone was capable of doing something bad when NOT drunk, they would be MORE capable of it after drinking.

You need to explain that to Chaseme >.>
yeah but if it really does what you claim the govt should at least warn the people and strive for social awareness. or else there will be teenagers like me that dont know that fact(there is only a few human behavior issues/research that i recognize as a fact*actually i think there is none*, mainly because humans are unpredictable)

lol my point is not whether they are more or less capable of doing it.
if a man values says its ok to beat your spouse whether hes drunk or not he is capable of doing it. thus there is no change in values.
*hope you get my point

He is definitely a closet pervert lol. Im 100% sure i wont do anything on those line. Even if i drink non-stop ill probably die drinking before that happens.

ok do you guys think that youll do something out of line when you got drunk?
for me what i think is right or ok to do will be same as before i drink alcohol.

Alcohol can certainly change your values. If it didn't, alcoholism wouldn't be considered a problem.

I have seen plenty of people restructure their value systems to put alcohol on top. Complex constructs are created to excuse behaviour, reprioritize, etc. making alcohol the priority.

Many times family, friendships, work, personl hygiene are slowly ranked lower than the almighty bottle. People that don't drink are considered "square" and why can't people understand that you need a few drinks to "take the edge off"?

That's a value-system being destroyed by alcohol. It doesn't happen in all people, or even most, but it does happen.
A big LOL
please tell me you have the decency to read what i have written before you contradict my comment ^^,

taken from wiki
this probably what you mean
lifestyle is the way a person lives. A lifestyle is a characteristic bundle of behaviors that makes sense to both others and oneself in a given time and place, including social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. The behaviors and practices within lifestyles are a mixture of habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions. A lifestyle typically also reflects an individual's attitudes, values or worldview. Therefore, a lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to create cultural symbols that resonate with personal identity. For example, "green lifestyle" means holding beliefs and engaging in activities that consume fewer resources and produce less harmful waste (i.e. a smaller carbon footprint), and deriving a sense of self from holding these beliefs and engaging in these activities
This is the definition of values i used as i already said in my earlier post
what people think is right and wrong, good and bad, desirable and undesirable.
what we are talking about change in values is like this.
person A with values A person A drinks 10 bottles of alcohol
does his values change from A to B in the time that alcohol is in effect

now welcome to the discussion

Actually all you need to do is quote something that proves that what you claim is an accepted fact(*please consider my definition of values*). SINCE SOOOOO MANNNNYYYYYY people disagree with me it would NOT be hard to do it right?
all you have to do is give me a link let me verify a source and you save a teenager from false belief.
Please help my clouded mind...

Help my facts gathering
i saw this short term effect of alcohol from wiki
closest i could find to what you are saying but not directly prove or disprove my belief
just in case you forgot my point
lol my point is not whether they are more or less capable of doing it. if a man values says its ok to beat your spouse whether hes drunk or not he is capable of doing it. thus there is no change in values.
taken from Alcohol Addiction | Effects of Alcohol | Facts about Alcohol
Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increases the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including domestic violence and child abuse.
I tried but cant find any im looking for a human behavior/ human psychology research article about alcohol effects on human values. I saw statistics that shows that people that are drunk perform aggressive act. but my point is
my point is not whether they are more or less capable of doing it. if a man values says its ok to beat your spouse whether hes drunk or not he is capable of doing it. thus there is no change in values.
so those stats means nothing

Btw i discovered that my "technique" in outlasting my friends in a drinking session is actually something recommended by experts.

Last edited by chaseme : 05-04-2008 at 03:07 PM.
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