Thread: Alcohol
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(#274 (permalink))
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chaseme (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 104
Join Date: Mar 2008
05-04-2008, 04:02 PM

well im kinda flattered to be considered as a teenager even if its my way of thinking i never wanted to be adult anyway.
I got a source of income 3x as much as a regular employee with possibility of expansion from my country, and it doesnt require an more than an hour or two a day. who wants that corporate job that requires adult thinking if i can earn just as much or more with my teenage way of thinking ^^,.
(my current source of income requires my teenage way of thinking ^^,)

My theory is that when one's value appear to change under the influence of alcohol
agree on this part.

For example: You never raise your voice or use profanity in public restaurant, even if a sloppy waiter spills a drink on you. However, if it were to happen after enough alcohol you might yell at the waiter cursing them in every foul word in your vocabulary. And yet, because you truly abhor physical violence you would not even consider striking them and would be very uncomfortable witnessing someone else doing so, regardless of how drunk you were.
My theory on this. Alcohol cause discomfort. what happens next when you are uncomfortable. is you become a bit more irritable.
Just imagine you having a bad day and a waiter spill something on your shirt. ^^,

Last edited by chaseme : 05-04-2008 at 04:06 PM.
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