Thread: Alcohol
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(#276 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-04-2008, 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
My theory is that when one's value appear to change under the influence of alcohol (or other mind-altering substances) it is when those values exist only because of the fear of social penalties. As when someone obeys a social custom because the community says it is what is right, but it is not personally believed to be morally right.

For example: You never raise your voice or use profanity in public restaurant, even if a sloppy waiter spills a drink on you. However, if it were to happen after enough alcohol you might yell at the waiter cursing them in every foul word in your vocabulary. And yet, because you truly abhor physical violence you would not even consider striking them and would be very uncomfortable witnessing someone else doing so, regardless of how drunk you were.
I agree. Of course drinking changes the way you act. However, there are some things a person would never do, whether they are drunk or not. For example, if I was absolutely drunk until I didn't know what the hell I was doing, there would be no chance of me doing something like, mugging someone, killing someone, etc. So you still have some thread of morals in you, and if you do commit something like that, there must be something going on with you already to do that. No typical person would do that whether they are completely blathered or not, so even though some responsibility falls on the alcohol, it's not the sole reason. It just fuels the fire.
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