I agree. Of course drinking changes the way you act. However, there are some things a person would never do, whether they are drunk or not. For example, if I was absolutely drunk until I didn't know what the hell I was doing, there would be no chance of me doing something like, mugging someone, killing someone, etc. So you still have some thread of morals in you, and if you do commit something like that, there must be something going on with you already to do that. No typical person would do that whether they are completely blathered or not, so even though some responsibility falls on the alcohol, it's not the sole reason. It just fuels the fire.
at least someone get my point
Instead of all this debating on something you don’t seem to know a lot about except the stuff you have read on it just go out a couple of times and get silly drunk like just keep drinking after you know you’ve had way to many and the next morning ask your friends what happened, you’ll understand better then ^^
Its safe to say I don’t drink as much as I used to
I already said that i am the best drinker in our group the closest to me is an alcoholic. not one of them can outlast me in a drinking session. even after we finish drinking i could still travel 1-2hours and 4 ride transfer to my home.
anyway i just found out why. my "technique" is actually recommended by experts. I just drink water to quench my thirst.
And you need help seriously,
actually i think your type is the EXCEPTION which is considered to be a problem. and needs professional help.
We go to around 4-5 bars we go out at night and we dont see people like you. we only see wasted people puking or passed out, people fighting and people trying to pick a fight with us...