Thread: Alcohol
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(#282 (permalink))
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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
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05-05-2008, 12:49 AM

Originally Posted by chaseme View Post
yeah but if it really does what you claim the govt should at least warn the people and strive for social awareness. or else there will be teenagers like me that dont know that fact(there is only a few human behavior issues/research that i recognize as a fact*actually i think there is none*, mainly because humans are unpredictable)

lol my point is not whether they are more or less capable of doing it.
if a man values says its ok to beat your spouse whether hes drunk or not he is capable of doing it. thus there is no change in values.
*hope you get my point

He is definitely a closet pervert lol. Im 100% sure i wont do anything on those line. Even if i drink non-stop ill probably die drinking before that happens.

ok do you guys think that youll do something out of line when you got drunk?
for me what i think is right or ok to do will be same as before i drink alcohol.

A big LOL
please tell me you have the decency to read what i have written before you contradict my comment ^^,

taken from wiki
this probably what you mean

This is the definition of values i used as i already said in my earlier post

what we are talking about change in values is like this.
person A with values A person A drinks 10 bottles of alcohol
does his values change from A to B in the time that alcohol is in effect

now welcome to the discussion

Sorry but not only do I think your definiton of "values" absolutely wrong but also fail to see why you've tried to include this at all in this discussion.
What you are calling "values" are actually learned or acquired traits in people.
"Behaviour" is what changes and how we come to terms with our "values" such as whether we swear in public, in front of children, walk in the park naked and so on. Values are learnt via our upbringing, our peers and mostly nowadays, the media. So when you say that people are capable of such and such thing before they drink alcohol, then yes I agree. Actually on the same basis, so is everyone else, depending on their upbringing and values learnt. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence will learn from their surroundings and hence are capable of any number of negative things. It is their "Behaviour" that tells them whether they should and shouldn't do such things. So yes, SOME people according to their behaviour won't need a drink to act violently. They will do it anyway.
According to government statistics however, which are contrary to your personal experience, when people are drunk they are more likely to commit crimes that are a vast part of those statistics.
This is because their Behavioural Inhibitions have been effected and so negative "values" rise to the surface easily, especially since they have been kept in check for so long.
Therefore not only is repeatedly quoting and arguing about "values" plainly irrelevant but it is absolutely wrong. It had no business being in a discussion about how alcohol effects human behaviour in the first place, apart from the fact that when drinking alcohol a person is more likely to portray their "negative values".

To summarise, "values" are learnt from surroundings. Behaviour keeps those values whether negative or positive, in check. Alcohol effects the centre of the brain which controls behaviour, hence the "values" whether they be negative or positive are left unchecked and left to run free. There is less and less will power to control negative "values" once a person has more and more to drink.
Hope that makes it clearer for you.

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 05-05-2008 at 01:13 AM.
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