Thread: exist†trace
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(#748 (permalink))
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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05-05-2008, 06:39 PM

oh.. this is what you meant?

*growls* Yes, she does like me. But obviously you just can't believe or accept it.

I was going to keep these private... but since you need proof...

*takes from inbox*

Originally Posted by adina
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
Originally Posted by adina
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
No Jyou for me.
awwww....*feels guilty*
basically ID is the owner
but you can hug her and stuff like that
ID told me you can do it,if you behave
cause I need her permision to do some touchie tocuhie too
*rapes you*
don't be sad
wait.. I didn't notice this, I don't think. Did I notice this? I was raped?

yes you were me *evil grin*
and and I really hope this jyou thing will end well
I'm giving up anyway XDDDDD
and and yaaaaay for us cause I wouldn't like to fight with you cause you're really a nice person
Originally Posted by adina
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
ah, well... *rapes you back*

ok. The news on Jyou, straight from the mouth of Kanji.

Jyou is rightfully mine...

But you like her so much, I won't keep you from her, but I went through so much, I also won't share her.

And I had decided, if it goes in my favor, she will be my wife.

So, I think it's ok for you to hug and kiss and touch her, to a certain extent, which I still have to decide on.

Oh.... are you already claimed?

I think we should claim each other, maybe? I can hug her *runs in circles*
hehe....I'm glad everything is resolved
*ish relieved* ish claimed by choon...and uhm...ID ish my seme
but that doesn't stop us to rape eachother O.o
I'm so gay *laughs*'re wife???
i have to get prepared for a wedding? XDDDD
that ish so sweet *__*
I don't see why you need to toss around insults... anyway, I'm done. You're no longer worth my time and energy.

ok... now back totally on topic.....

I really do like to go to this thread... but you see it's getting really stupid...

so unless it gets less stupid.. I won't be here anymore... *takes Jyou with me and leaves thread*

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....

Last edited by Miyavifan : 05-05-2008 at 06:48 PM. Reason: added stuff... is upset.
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