Thread: exist†trace
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(#750 (permalink))
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InsaneDoll (Offline)
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05-05-2008, 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel View Post
ID.. Cant you be nice for like ONE time?..
I mean..
Chill out for a minute^^;;
I mean...She never did something against you...=/..
*tries to smile*
Anyway, just stop it^_^;;..
You really don't make your day better with it ;-).
bwahahahahahaha .. oh I`m so sorry that I got you butt-hurt as well. I am actually a really nice person. but that also depends on the person you ask about my kindness.

LFA .. what does this have to do with you in the end actually?

@Miyavifan .. you said that the last time .. I believe you said and I quote:

Originally Posted by Miyavifan
"*not stooping at your level*".
-gives lollipop to miyavifan- there there little one
I can`t see the point in having an argument with you. you`re not going to get it anyway. you`re just going to bitch away of how much of a big bad wolf I am and how mean I am and yadda yadda ... eh whatever -.-"

Originally Posted by Adina
si am zhe balls dar stii ca vreau pace si nu imi place sa ma cert :C
aham .. observ .. oricum a fost ceva distractiv să mă comport precum Don Quijote ..deja nu mai e distractiv. unii oameni nu au neuronii necesari să proceseze şi eu chiar mă cert de-am pulea cu pereţii.
şi tu nu o să te cerţi cu ea. ai mai zis odată asta şi până la urmă ai renunţat. săr`naa oricum că încerci că mă înveseleşti. ") :*

"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."

Last edited by InsaneDoll : 05-05-2008 at 06:55 PM.
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