Originally Posted by zeke797
All praise Sushi!! I love sushi, I had it the other day. When I go out for lunch from my work in London I go to a sushi parlour at times; but sushi in London is quite damn well expensive! (But worth it in the long run! lol)
good sushi anywhere is expensive >.>'''
especially since alot of the traditional fishes are available only in japan (i.e kohada [gizzard shad] and madai [japanese snapper])
and...good places like to do things such as over night shipping >.>''
*which mind you is BLOODY expensive to do* >.<'''
this one bag from Canada to Southern U.S. costs $40.00 USD to ship under 24hours >.>'''
the bag doesn't even weigh a pound =.=''''
imagine the shipping costs of fish that weigh from 2-50lbs a piece >.>''
and that some fish are expensive as is xD
(madai, maguro, chu/o toro, uni, etc., lol)