Thread: Ancafe
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silveremperial (Offline)
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05-05-2008, 09:01 PM

Antic Cafe love them all but the one i really want to date is teriyuki as my friend like to call him but i doubt thats how your sopposed 2 spell his name pm me when the next concert date comes in

[Naruto fan club: Ariana, narutoluvr,kiyuga,thalia4, zachart, and me!![
Bleachfanclub- [[color="Blue"]Oni, Ariana, zachart, thalia4 narutoluvr kiyuga, me!![/COLOr
Kiyuge-Chan(prez), MarkDuff(prime minister), xtine, LolitaLover, Juno, eve636, KloudCat(yaoi loving kitten?), xfromwenzyoucamex, zachart, and Kaka,
silveremperial and me!
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