Thread: Yasukuni shrine
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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
05-05-2008, 10:48 PM

There was enough blame when the dust settled fore everyone. World War II was caused by the treaties, agreements, sanctions, and deals of World War I, which itself was caused by the treaties, agreements, sanctions, deals, arranged marriages, and complicated royal family lines of post-imperialist era. America was not innocent, as we looked to obtain our own colonies and pursue our own imperialist agenda, especially in the pacific ocean, which led us to bump up against Japan's goals. This can still be seen in the fact that Hawaii is a state, and Guam is a protectorate, and we have plenty of other terrritories/protectorates as well in the Pacific.

The Japanese believed that we would come to the aid of our traditional European allies sooner or later, especially as we already considered them a threat. Pearl Harbor was a calculated first strike to end the Pacific War before it started by pretty much destroying the US Navy. Too bad someone in Tojo's cabinet didn't realise America could not be beaten that easily (even if Yamamoto did).

Chew on this: the US reserves first strike now, but is against anyone else having it.
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