05-06-2008, 05:42 AM
This is the perfect example of why you should always make sure you know what you are getting inked on your body. Always do your research and then do some more. The artist may have just pulled it out of a book he had, or flash off the wall regardless if its right or not.
I recall a couple years ago of a tattoo artist in the Boston who was tired of people not doing thier research. On a number of occasions he tattooed something other than what the customer requested. One woman wanted "princess", however he tattood something like "slut". She was unaware until one day she was in a food court and some girls were giggling behind her since they knew what it really meant.
You can try taking them to small claims, but I dont know how far you will get. The artist should have allowed you to preview it once it was placed from a stencil or his drawing to ok it. Also you more than likely signed a release releasing the shop and its employees from all liability.
It will cost you more to have it removed than the cost of the original tattoo. You could have a coverup done. Good luck.
"Play a song on one deck, now play one on the other deck. Push the buttons and play with the slidey things, and turn the knobs. Do this for 3 hours...now your a DJ"
"Photography is 10% knowledge and 90%
witchcraft" - A. Taussig
Women are like the bus...another will be along in 10 mintues.